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Green Building

Green Building

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A house with a lot of windows and a walkway leading to it

Following is an outline that highlights some of the key features of Keystone Development’s Green Building Program. Simply put, building Green, is building better. Green building practices focus on construction techniques and materials that create homes that are more energy efficient, are healthier and more comfortable to live in and help to protect the Earth’s environment. All homes are built to National Energy Star standards. In addition, Keystone Development incorporates many elements of the National Association of Home Builders’ Green Home Building Guidelines in the design and construction of their homes. Keystone Development is actively involved in establishing a standardized Green Building Program in the State of Massachusetts that will allow homes to be certified as meeting a stringent level of Green construction criteria.

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Site Planning

  • Erosion control measures are implemented to prevent soil run off and damage to surrounding plant and animal habitats.
  • Preservation of as much existing vegetation as possible.
  • Re-use of excavated materials as fill and topsoil and processing of cleared trees and vegetation as mulch.
  • Siting homes to minimize clearing and grading activities and to optimize/minimize solar exposure to prevent radiant heat buildup.
  • Preserve as much wildlife habitat as possible.
A large swimming pool surrounded by rocks and trees
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A large house with three garage doors is surrounded by trees

Energy Efficiency

  • Increased air sealing measures a tight building envelope, thereby minimizing air leakage and reducing heating and air conditioning costs. An air leakage test performed on every house ensures a tight building envelope.
  • Increased insulation requirements reduces air transfer between conditioned and unconditioned areas and reduces heating/cooling costs.
  • Low E, Energy Star certified windows reduce solar warming and have greater insulation value than typical windows.
  • Heating and cooling systems are designed more efficiently with energy efficient equipment and duct layout. Increased insulation of air handling ducts reduces air leakage and improves the efficiency of the system.
  • Energy Star certified fixtures and appliances are installed throughout the house.
A large house with a stone wall in front of it.

Resource Efficient Building Materials

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  • Construction materials manufactured with recycled materials and engineered lumber are utilized throughout the house.
  • Lumber packages are ordered to reduce waste and to include engineered products that utilize recycled wood materials. Examples include truss roof systems, engineered beams, OSB sheathing and finger jointed studs.
  • Durable exterior materials with warranties ranging from 25 years to a lifetime are used for roofing and siding, reducing the cost of home ownership and saving raw materials over the life of the home.
  • Construction debris is separated and recycled under a comprehensive job site recycling program.
A bedroom with a bed , dresser , and mirror.

Indoor Air


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  • Tighter building envelopes (as mentioned above) prevent contamination of the indoor environment by airborne pollutants.
  • Additional air sealing measures and insulated doors at the house/garage intersection prevent interior moisture build up.
  • Extensive drainage and vapor barrier measures helps prevent moisture build up and mold contamination.
A bathroom with a tub , sink , mirror and shower.

Water Quality and Preservation

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  • All plumbing fixtures meet National Energy Policy Act low flow standards.
  • Heat traps are included in all hot water heaters.
  • Low flow shower heads and low flush toilets are often installed.
  • High efficiency hot water heaters are available and typically installed.
  • Tank-less hot water heaters are available and typically installed.
  • Landscape designs include native drought tolerant plantings to reduce irrigation needs.
  • Landscape designs are hydraulically zoned for consistent irrigation needs among plantings to reduce over-watering.
A large house with a stone wall in front of it.

Resource Efficient Building Materials

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  • Construction materials manufactured with recycled materials and engineered lumber are utilized throughout the house.
  • Lumber packages are ordered to reduce waste and to include engineered products that utilize recycled wood materials. Examples include truss roof systems, engineered beams, OSB sheathing and finger jointed studs.
  • Durable exterior materials with warranties ranging from 25 years to a lifetime are used for roofing and siding, reducing the cost of home ownership and saving raw materials over the life of the home.
  • Construction debris is separated and recycled under a comprehensive job site recycling program.
A bedroom with a bed , dresser , and mirror.

Indoor Air Quality

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  • Tighter building envelopes (as mentioned above) prevent contamination of the indoor environment by airborne pollutants.
  • Additional air sealing measures and insulated doors at the house/garage intersection prevent interior moisture build up.
  • Extensive drainage and vapor barrier measures helps prevent moisture build up and mold contamination.
A bathroom with a tub , sink , mirror and shower.

Water Quality and Preservation

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  • All plumbing fixtures meet National Energy Policy Act low flow standards.
  • Heat traps are included in all hot water heaters.
  • Low flow shower heads and low flush toilets are often installed.
  • High efficiency hot water heaters are available and typically installed.
  • Tank-less hot water heaters are available and typically installed.
  • Landscape designs include native drought tolerant plantings to reduce irrigation needs.
  • Landscape designs are hydraulically zoned for consistent irrigation needs among plantings to reduce over-watering.
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